Who we are
Mission & Vision

Our mission

We strive for children to live a healthy and
happy lives without suffering from diseases.


Our vision

To help all children with cancer get treatment without any financial hardship.
To help children return to the community by providing well-organized program after diagnosis.
To provide high-quality services so that children and their families can be happy.
To support children to have equality in our community through awareness campaigns
that introduce right perceptions about childhood cancer.

Our core values

By improving coping capabilities of patients and their families as well as reducing stress,
we are progressing emotional support to enhance the hope for cure. It is composed of consultation for patients and their families,
art therapy and various activities including family camp, camp for siblings of the children with cancer, providing wigs and planting trees of hope, etc.

Respecting Life

We put children’s lives as first priority value.


We aim for the finest services, and strive to improve
our specialism to accomplish children’s happy lives.


We constantly change and challenge
ourselves to fulfill our mission.


We aim for ‘living-together’ lives,
and let many people join our mission.


We manage thorough administration of donations and business process.